Thursday, July 16, 2015

This review is for Total Tea Herbal Energy

This item can be purchased here:

We shall begin with some information about the product from the company's website:

Product Description

Herbal Energy Tea Customers & Reviewers consider us to be the Best Green Tea Diet period. 1200+ Doctors have recommend our Weight Loss Tea for over 10 years. Why? Herbal Energy Tea does Boost Energy and Metabolism, but Reviewers also say it TASTES GREAT with NO CAFFEINE JITTERS.
GUAYUSA - contains L-theanine, a glutamic acid analog found in green tea that has been shown to reduce physical and mental stress. Contains all of the essential amino acids for humans. Has a High Antioxidant Activity with ORAC antioxidant values of 58uM per gram, compared to 28-29uM per gram for commercial green teas.
GREEN TEA - increases metabolism. Polyphenol found in green tea works to intensify levels of fat oxidation. Perfect for that skinny tea effect.
CINNAMON BARK - contains antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, antispasmodic, and anti-fungal properties.
ELEUTHERO ROOT - a strong antioxidant. Referred to as Adaptogen - an immune system, memory and energy stimulant.
GINSENG ROOT - soothes the nervous system. Decreases blood sugar. Stimulates the endocrine system. Common in Ginseng Tea.

As for my thoughts?  The tea is delicious!  I like to drink it hot, just plain, or iced with some citrus slices in it.  It gives a great boost of energy so I like to have it in the afternoon to help get over that slump and get me through the rest of the day.  It helps keep my blood sugar steady until dinner too. 

I received this product to try for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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